Monday 14 October 2013


                  Education is a process which draws out the best in man with the aim of producing a well balanced personality.It is a purposeful activity.Education provides opportunities to develop these inborn potentialities.According to John Dewey “Education is the development of those capacities in the individual which will enable him to control his environment and fulfill his responsibilities”.A number of factors have to be taken in to account for determining  the aim of education.The existing philosophy of  education,political philosophy of the state, psychological factors,individual and social needs etc are some of the important determinants of the aim of education.
                 Education in India is amongst various other elements that have supported and helped the nation to achieve development Indian education system is fascinating and it has gradually reached the present status with several other contributions The history of education in India is equally enthralling-The present education system in India is also influenced by the spread of different religions such as Buddhism and Jainism as well as Bhakti and Sati movements Education in modern India gained a whole new facet with the promotion of western education in India,which  almost inevitably started with the coming of the British.Education in modern India comprises of primary education,secondary education,senior secondary education and higher education.Primary education consists of 8 years of education.while secondary and senior secondary  consist of 2 years of education respectively higher education in India starts after passing  the higher secondary education and post graduation courses are generally of 2 to 3 years of duration.After independence 1947,India made a rule that education is made available to all.The aim of education should be to reach us rather how to think,than what to think –rather to improve our minds ,so as to enable us to think for ourselves ,than to load memory with the thoughts of other men.
                     President Franklin Roosevelt of U.S.A , in his famous message to the congress in 1941, for the first time used the term “Human Rights” and stressed  that the world should be founded on four essential freedoms, freedom of speech,freedom of religion, freedom of want and freedom from fear. In 1948, the UN general assembly adopted the universal declaration of Human Rights has been fundamental  land mark in the history of the concept of Human Rights in the world.  It was adopted on 10th December,1948 and so this day is celeberated as the human Rights Day all over the world every year.
                     The importance of this declaration in the context of realization of human rights can not be ignored as it provided an authentic experession of human rights as a common standard of achievement for all people and nation.Human Rights are necessary to ensure the dignity of every person irrespective of one’s race,religion,nationality,language,sex or  any other factor.Human Rights are necessary to ensure the dignity of every person irrespective of ones race, religion, nationality, language, sex, or any other factor.Human rights like as civil, political, economic, social, cultural, developmental, intellectual and environmental rights are becoming more and more important for the international community.
                    The rights relating to life,liberty,equality and dignity of individual are integral to the ethos of a civilized society.The universal declaration of human rights(1948),The international covenants on civil,political rights(1966)and Economic Social and Cultural rights(1966) to each of which India is a signatory,constitutes landmarks in the evolution of the concept of human rights.  
                     NGOs and Media in our country should do widest possible publicity of the rights of all human beings through news,articales ,exhibitions,stories,broadcast etc. and promote the awareness of people about Human Rights Education                                                                                                                            
                      Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan(SSA) is government of India’s flagship programme for achievement of Universalisation of Elimentary Education(UEE)in a time bound manner,as mandated by 86th amendment to the constitution of India making free and compulsory education to the children of 6-14 years age group,a fundamental right by the central government and is in force from 1st April,2010.Teaching is  one of the challenging proffesions and only those teachers can should the heavy responsibilities of nation building ,we are adequately prepared and have sound knowledge base.This adequacy of preparation ,of course  signifies development of adequate skills dedication to teaching  and a determination of continuous growth and learning.Teachers are expected to use the best practices and strategies  to meet challenges  and demands of their carrer.In the present scenario ,teachers have to prepare them continuously in order to keep themselves abreast with the latest development in his subject ares and to acquire the communication skill for effective teaching.
                       At present, large finances are incurred upon in-service training programmes for elementary school teachers but,to what extent,these programmes are successful in achieving their objectives,is a matter of it is the right time to know the opinion of elementary school teachers regarding different aspects of in-service training programmes in accordance with the opinion of elimentary school teachers so as to achieve the target of EFA or UEE both quantitatively as well as qualitatively.
  • To study the attitude of elimentary school teachers towards different aspects of in-service training programmes organized under SSA.
  • To identify the major problem of on going in-service teacher training programmes.
  • To formulate suggestions for making in-service teacher training programmes more effective.

  • In service training programmes were mostly dominated by traditional training methods and modern media and techniques were used to impart training.
  • The experts engaged as resource persons/master trainers in training programmes were not competent enough.
  • The evaluation of training programmes was not conducted in order to identify strengths and weaknesses of these training programmes.
  • The training organizers should make efforts for engaging outside experts along with involvement of local expertise for imparting training to teachers.
  • There is a dire need to provide field support to the teachers once they have undergone in service training.
  • The basic facilities necessary  impart training in training venues/centres should be strengthened.
                     Corporate social responsibility is the voluntary commitment by company managers to integrate social and environmental considerations in their business operations.The commitment goes beyond normal compliance with the legal,regulations ,and contractual obligations,which companies are expected to meet. Corporate social responsibility is very essential and mandatory topic for every industries all over the world.Through CSR technique we can help or treat our employees and population surrounded near to that industrial area.
                     Problems which are seen is that over here policies set are not need based and lack of activity on social environmental and ethical issues.some big problems are:
  • Connectivity ,scalability&responsibility is perspectives which are properly used.
  • Lack in ethical behaviour of company towards society.
  • To build trustyworthy &sustainable relationship with the community.
  • No effective work done for community welfare.
  • Lack of health care and socio-economic problem like poverty,illiteracy, etc
  • Social development is not effective because of limited resources.
  • Policies,stratigies & programs are not well planned.
                        International scenario more better than our national scenario,we can see they have use this technique very before than this and we can also see that they have developed environment than India.Internationally,we can see that they provide social responsibilities related to social development.

                      In India some companies who believe in corporate social responsibility are tata sons,birla group,bajaj group etc.Lupin himan welfare is an ago providing facilities people living below poverty line.canara bank csir project is to address the adult literacy problem in India.Industries in India basically suffer  from limited resources ,healthy problem and very main political issues.

                     The goal of higher level of living for public can be attained through  ‘education’especially “Higher Education”.Education as a source of knowledge, is attaining greater heights in the development of societies and  countries. Knowledge is considered as a commodity which can be transmitted as quickly as possible. Education helps an individual to acquire knowledge and expertise to face the challenges of this racing and competitive world.Education requires personal participation and excellent transformation.But the real winning lies in  winning having the Education for life building,man making and character building. It is essential that students acquire knowledge and understanding of the facts with a sence of respect to the values.True education refers to an overall development of his  talents and skills.
                     The process of education begins at home and continuous throughout the life.The purpose of colleges is not just to impart text book knowledge but to equip the students with skills requisite to earn a living,thereby to mould young people in to good citizens.Higher educational institutions are expected to deliver quality and sustainable education to provide marketable products in this competent and globalization world.
                     Higher education includes “all types of studies ,training or training for research at the post secondary level,provided  by universities or other educational establishments that are approved as institution of higher education by the competent state authorities Higher Education should provide access to both broad general education and targeted, career specific education ,often interdisciplinary ,focusing on skills and aptitudes, both of which equip individuals to live in a variety of changing settings,and to be able to change occupations.
                     Higher Education institutions should educate students to become well informed and deeply motivated citizens ,who become well informed and deeply motivated citizens ,who can think critically,analyse problem of society,look for solutions to the problem of society ,apply them and accept social responsibilities.
                     The number of higher education institutions,namely arts and science colleges,engineering colleges,universities etc,is large compared to the employment opportunities provided to the students.who are graduated every year.Therefore higher education is in a pathetic situations that it is just producing unemployed and unemployed graduates.

·         The role of government in higher education
·         Rapid scientific growth
·         Increased cultural ,caste,religion,sensitivity
·         Funding constraints
·         Complete structural change in education system
·         Students to be made more productive
·         Problem oriented research must be focused
·         Micro specialization should be encouraged.
·         Financing
·         Equity of condition at access in to and during the course of studies
·         Improved staff development
·         Relevance of programmes
·         New opportunities relating to technologies
·         Preserving cultural  identities
·         Equitable access to the benefits of international co-operation
·         Skill based training
·         Correcting provision imbalances

·         Ethical standards
·         Political impartiality
·         Critical capacities
·         Better  articulation with the problem of society and the world of work
               The quality of teacher education depend upon the quality of teachers. The quality of teacher determines the quality of education as a tree is to be judged by its fruits.If the teacher are excellent ,the nation will have excellent citizens ,the nation will have excellent citizens.The backbone of every educational institution is it committed teachers who spark the imaginations of their students and give wings to their dream..Besides attending orientation and refresher courses conducted by Acadamic staff colleges,a teacher can
  • Read latest book of their areas and professional journals and periodicals regularly
  •  Share experiences and ideas both formally and informally with other faculty members.
  • Use effective ,innovative method of teaching.
            By keeping their eyes and ears open and their brain functioning ,they must increase the learning interest.The challenges ahead of them are:
·         Declining government based employment
·         Growing skill based employment
·         Current Education and Employment linkage
          With the opportunities available and training given and being aware of the challenges ahead,they must be self motivated because a self motivated person’s performance appraisal will show qualitative results.They must set up a goal which is SMART
·         S   for Specific
·         M  for Measurable
·         A   for Ambitious but attainable
·         R   for Relevant
·         T    for Timebiased
                    In the system of examinations at the college level,since many years students are evaluated on the basis of a semester or non-semester examinations.The essay type questions papers decide the destiny of the students.Many other components may be included in the continuous internal assessment to test the knowledge and understanding
of the students.
                      Internationalization  is the concept of this world as a single common heritage of all human kind.The term internationalization and globalization are often used interchangeably.Internationalization  is a feeling that the individual is not only a member of this state,but a  citizen of the world .Man has feeling of love,cooperation and peace which gives birth to internationalization in almost all sphere of life.Thanks to technology,the world has become a global village.It has been defined as a set of processes by which the world is rapidly being integrated in to one.The matter of development of internationalization is being considered all over the world ,the fast and huge transformations due to globalization and information techonology are creating great impact on the future of nearly every society ,community,institution  and individual in different parts of the world.
                      Internalionalization means,integration of economics and socities through cross countrie’s flow of information ,ideas,capital,education ,finance and the people .In internationalization and localization of higher education two stratiges are impotant.
  • COM modification the use of knowledge as a purchasable and saleable good.
  • Alternative providers with profit motive of higher education landscape that are engaged in the transmission of knowledge and communication technologies.
                     The internationalization of and localization of teacher education have very important role to increase the quality of higher education.The international trade in education under the globalization scenario is likely to take place through four modes.
           1. Internationalization Distance Education mode
           2. Institutional collaboration of two or more countries
           3. Institutional presence direcly or through a system of franchise
           4.Trans-National mobility of trained teachers ,intellectuals and student
                     In a globally competitive world,India will be a loser in the international educational trade market if quality and relevance are not built,empowerment and status of the teachers and teacher education are not enhanced,suitable infrastructure is not available,absolute curriculam and cources are not properly substituted and revamped ,research specially mass action researchers are not strengthened  and eolution and monitoring  are not inbuilt Thus in a globally competitive world it is quality of teacher education that can sustain a nation.
                     The development of any nation depends mainly on the standards of its educational institutions. Education is the most powerful and effective instrument for inducing radical changes in the behavior of students. The teacher occupies pivotal position in the system of education. Teaching has been one of the oldest and the most respected professions in the world.
                     Education is the process of instruction aimed at the all-round development of boys and girls. Education dispels ignorance. It is the only wealth that cannot be robbed. Learning includes the moral values and the improvement of character and the methods to increase the strength of mind.
Privatization of Teacher Education
                     “The density of India is now being shaped in her class rooms “This is the opening sentence of the Kothari Education Commission report (1964-66). What kind of destiny has been actually shaped during the last sixty years? There are thousands of schools without primary needs. The position of teacher’s economic condition is also poor when compared to USA teachers. Majority of teacher educational institutions are under the control of private sector. The main aim of private organizations is to get profit.
The teaching profession today attracts only those who have missed all other “better” opportunities in life and is increasingly mired in bureaucratic controls and anti-education concepts such as “hours” of teaching “load”, “paid by the hour”, “contractual” teachers etc. With privatization reducing education to a commodity, teachers are reduced to tutors and teaching is reduced to coaching.
                     Permission is granted by the NCTE regional centers to number of teacher education institutions/colleges especially in the private unaided sectors. The first and foremost supervising authority for running B.Ed. programs me is the concerned University. The concerned officials of the university have to make frequent surprise visits to the B.Ed. colleges under its jurisdiction. If any loopholes identified, necessary steps may be taken for rectifying them at the earliest possible times; then only the quality of B.Ed. programmers can be improved.
                     Quality technical educational plays a vital roll in the society. The economy of country is influenced to a great extent by the technical manpower and vocational training. The demand for technical education is large in our country. Quality is defined as “specifying worthwhile long term goals and short term goals and enabling students and teachers to achieve them”. The quality of technical education system depends on the institution, infrastructure, faculty’s research, and development activities and industry institutions interaction etc. quality is the single most important issue in education business and government today. Students who are not prepared to responsible, productive citizens become a burden on society. Today, there are more than six hundred engineering colleges in the country, which are providing technical education to the students. Some colleges are fully government aided, some are partially and other is self-funding.
                     At present, our technical education system faces two major challenges:
a.    Quality assurance
b.   Keeping pace with the technological advancement; the following resources need to be strengthened:
1.   Human resources
2.   Material resources
                     The technical education system has to undergo introspection on its weakness and take active steps to improve the quality of the educational processes. Some of the steps are:
1.   Effective autonomy to engineering institution to upgrade curricula at regular intervals to keep abreast of developments in technology as well as pedagogy.
2.   Effective functional and administrative autonomy coupled with accountability.
3.   Develop continuous teacher competence up gradation mechanism
4.   Put emphasis on obsolesce removal of infrastructure as well as teaching/learning evaluation process.
5.   Strong interface with industry i.e. building industry institute partnership.
6.       Create opportunities for student exchange with other countries, transfer of credits etc…
                     The institution should create innovative and knowledge based society through concurrent teaching methods in technical courses. To create techno-excellent citizen who will be responsible for overall development of society. To build the institution as a center of excellence of engineering education, the institution should produce an engineer who can adopt an integrated approach in engineering and judiciously use technology to benefit the society in particular and humanity at large.
                      Mental retardation is a pervasive worldwide problem and constitutes a sizable proportion of the population in India too. Mental retardation, actually is not a disease but a significantly sub average general intellectual functioning existing concurrently with deficits in adaptive behavior, and manifested during the developmental period (arun, 1988). Mentally challenged have potential abilities. The inclusion classroom provides a setting for these students to interact with their peers of all ability levels, thus most accurately mirroring the real world outside of school. The inclusion setting provides these students with an opportunity to interact with students who may have different ways of learning or different abilities; again, mimicking the real-world experience for these students as well as Govindaraju,2007.
                     Many of the characteristic of mild intellectual disability MID correspond to those of learning disabilities. The intellectual development will be slow; however, students with MID have the potential to learn with the regular classroom given appropriate modifications and or accommodations (Watson, 2006).


                     Education should create a well-balanced personality of individuals with intellect developing along with bodily health. Teachers should cast exemplary influence of students. Modern education accept concept of learning through taking into consideration the variables of operation, indifferent institution by harmonizing in the development of child at the primary and secondary level. The only purpose of education is to teacher student how to live his life-by developing his mind and equipping him to deal with reality The training  he needs is theoretical, ie conceptual  he has to be taught be essentials of the knowledge discovered in the past –he has to  be equipped to acquire further knowledge his own efforts.



1.Dr.S.K Upadhyay (2012) “Human Rights education Today”Journal of Educational & psychological Research Vol.2,No.2,P.130.
2.Dr.Vishal Sood $ Mrs. Arti Anand (2011) “Attitude of Elementary School Teachers training programmes under SSA” Journal of Modern Educational Research in India  Vol.15(4)
3.Mrs.M.Arulmozhi(2012) “Higher Education-Present scenario and challenges Ahead”New Frontiers In Education, Vol.45, No.1.
4.Thankachan.T.C (2012),Philosophical and Sociological bases of education,V Publishers.